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Web Development and Hosting

Through the years, things have changed… and so has our hosting. The services are geared more towards the business environment by linking offices to their online databases/storefronts/websites. Don’t get me wrong, we’ll still host your site if you want… Just shout.

Our hosting includes support services... Meaning, if you have problems or looking for a solution to your website needs... We're here to help.

Websites can be broken down into two categories... 'Electronic Brochures' and 'Functional' websites. One is composed of text and graphics, the other involves user interaction. Anything that involves user interaction, will always have problems in time... Either software updates, server updates, dependency breaks etc etc... Always...
Sites that fall under the 'Electronic Brochure' category tend to be low maintenace, but there are exceptions. Some sites will use third party software or scripts to deliver content to their site... The point being, there are exceptions...

To make a long story short... Effective websites are not 'build and forget'.
If you don't have an IT guy handy... or things change, and they will...
Help is here.

– Web/Database Hosting
– Database Development
– Ecommerce Solutions
– Custom Application Development
– Domain Name Registrations
– Domain Name Recovery

No tier levels of tech support to go through, dealing with someone different every time you call or shuffled to a call center.
If you have your own domain name, no problem… You don’t have to use domain names registered by us. We can also accommodate hosting via a sub-domain. However, you will need access to your DNS to add the needed entries. If unsure, contact us…

Please contact us for any special requests.


Dedicated servers start at $100.00 per month. However, pricing will will be determined on it's configuration.

The Offerings

Misc. Projects