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Boomers USB Camera Image Capture


I wouldn't have thought it would be difficult to find a basic app to capture an image from my microscope camera... Either I had to buy it, had adware in it or just didn't work as expected... My other option was Microsofts built 'Camera' app, which isn't bad at all... I just wanted a lil more control of the process...
Anything to cut down the amount of time I had to spend at it...

Made for one purpose, and one purpose only... Capturing a jpeg image from a camera, and control the save.

This is a portable .Net 6.0 app. If multiple USB cameras are installed, it will select the first availble and list the others in a selectable list.
Easy to use... The camera feed is displayed, allowing you to select the image to capture. Then you can save as a JPEG file.

No installation required. Unzip the the file, and run the executable 'BoomersImageCapture.exe'.

Windows 10 or 11, Windows Server
.Net 6.0


Application Docs:

Supports every USB camera that I've thrown at it.

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