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Over thirty years experience with hardware, software and networks, allows for an educated resolution to problems.
Obviously, on-site is limited to the Baton Rouge area, unless prior arrangements are made.

Application Development

Though we play with a little bit of everything, most of the work circles around PHP, C# and Databases. I've started posting some menial side projects that were created, for one reason or another... as working examples. Since projects created for others, just wouldn't be proper to post for a free download.
If you have questions, drop a line...

C# is a popular object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft, and it is often used with the .NET framework. Some advantages of programming with C# and the .NET framework:

  • - Cross Platform - Make apps that interact with your web site
  • - Easy Database integration
  • - High performance and scalable
  • - Large community and libraries
  • - Integrated development environment (IDE) Visual Studio

PHP is the work horse for most websites. Form submission, page tracking, database connector and data collection/serving to mention a few. When a canned solution can't be found, or isn't a good fit... You create your own... PHP can be a bit tricky at times, but there are some 'best practices' to follow.

  • - Sanitize Inputs: Ensure that all user input is sanitized to prevent SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS).
  • - CSRF Protection for the forms to help protect against Cross-Site Request Forgery.
  • - Use HTTPS: Always use HTTPS to protect user sessions and data during transmission.
  • - Session Timeout: Implement session timeout mechanisms to log users out after a period of inactivity.
  • - Speaking of sessions... Handle them properly to avoid session fixation attacks.

Databases come in several types and styles. Some are file based, like Access or SQLite... Some require a database engine to serve the data. Then there are database connectors and how that data is going to be served. Some apps have built in libraries to make the connection, others require an ODBC driver. Point being... Picking a database is like picking a pair of shoes. It has to fit...

Yeah, this might be rehashing some common knowledge for some of us... but others might be wandering into this for the first time.

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Misc. Projects