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Remote and Local Backups

This is something that tends to get over looked, or the needed attention it deserves. Reliable backups… The worse time to find out it’s not working, is when you need it.

Our typical solution includes a remote backup, but also uses a local storage drive for faster restoration. Basically, if it’s not an emergency… Why be restricted by bandwidth to do a restore. A user interfaces allows you to see the status and history of your jobs. Backups can be scheduled hourly, daily weekly monthly and can be retained for as long you want. Now backups tend to be out of sight, out of mind… only after time, it stopped because of an error. Well, we monitor the backups to ensure success.

Now of course, there’s always draw backs… The big one is the amount of data you need to place in storage. This directly effects the cost. The more data you store, the more storage capacity you require, and the greater the cost of storing that data.

There are a few different factors that contribute to the cost of data storage:

Hardware: The cost of the physical storage hardware (e.g. hard drives, solid-state drives, tape drives) is one of the main components of the cost of data storage. The more storage capacity you require, the more hardware you need, and the higher the cost.
Maintenance: In addition to the initial cost of the hardware, there are ongoing maintenance costs associated with data storage, including software updates, backups, and repairs. These costs can also increase as you store more data.
Power and cooling: Data storage hardware requires power and cooling to operate, and as you store more data, you need more hardware, which requires more power and cooling. This can increase the cost of data storage over time. In most cases, this isn’t an issue.
Management: The more data you store, the more complex it becomes to manage that data, including tasks such as organizing, searching, and securing the data. These management tasks require additional resources, such as staff time or specialized software, which can add to the cost of data storage.

Overall, the cost of data storage is directly related to how much data you store. As you store more data, you require more hardware, maintenance, power and cooling, and management resources, all of which can increase the cost of storing that data.

On the other hand, maybe your needs are not as complex.

Contact us for a solution that fits your needs…

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