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Boomers Coin Catalog Manual

Getting Started:


Organize and track your coin collection easily.

App Setup:
You've finished downloading the zip file, and you're ready to go...
In my examples, I do make the assumption that everyone understands directory/folder structure. So, if there's still confusion... Feel free to drop a line at

Copy the zip file to a location of your choosing... But for this example, I'm just going to create a folder on my C: drive called 'Apps', and copy the zip file there, then extract it. When finished, a folder called 'BoomersCoinCatalog2024' should have been created. Click into this folder... The zip application may have the folder an extra level deep, but you should see a batch file called '_START-BOOMERS-COIN-CATALOG.bat' and the final 'BoomersCoinCatalog2024' folder. This folder is what I refer to as, the application folder. The application folder can be named anything you want, or left alone...
The batch files are just for ease of finding where to start the app. The executable that actually launches everything is in the application folder, 'BoomersCoinCatalog.exe'. If you want to create a shortcut for the desktop, just right click on 'BoomersCoinCatalog.exe' and 'Send To' - desktop.

When the app is run for the first time, it checks for Microsoft .Net 6.0 framework. If the framework dosen't exist on your machine, it will prompt you. If you want to manually install .Net 6.0, you can download the desktop runtime here, then install it. Otherwise, the app will try and automatically download the .Net framework.
Once the download completes, just install it...
Don't worry, the framework install is quick and painless...
After installing the framework, try running the app again.

*A note here*
A coin entry is added to the app as an example... Select the coin and delete it...

Moving The App Around
Since the app is portable, it can be moved around at will... Just copy and paste the application folder to where ever you like. If you made desktop shortcuts, remember to update them.
Always keep in mind, when you move the application folder, you move the active database. Yeah, the old location will still work. But if you add a coin to it... It will not show up in the new location.

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