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Boomers Coin Catalog Manual

Importing/Exporting Excel Spreadsheets:

Prepping a Spreadsheet to Import:
Importing and exporting spreadsheets is easy to do... You just have to create 19 columns, using the titles shown below on the first row, in the order given.

PriKey, Country, CoinType, CoinDate, CoinMint, CoinNotes, CoinCost, CoinSell, CoinGrade, CoinTitle, FileImage1, FileImage2, FileImage3, FileImage4, FileImage5, FileImage6, CoinCondition, CoinVariation, DateAdded

Once you have that completed... Open the app, and go to 'DB MAINT.', then to the tab 'Import/Export Coin DB'.

Spreadsheet Exports:
There are several places in the app to export lists to an Excel format. Fortunately, Excel is not required to be installed to perform this. The app contains the needed libraries to complete this, without any additonal requirements.

The Offerings

Misc. Projects