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Boomers Coin Catalog Manual

Adding Coin Images:

Add a Coin Image:
There are two options here. Using the app to create your images, or do it yourself. The built camera capture works with most any type of USB camera. Then there's the long way...

Using the Built-in Camera Capture:
The built in camera capture offers a preview before capture... That has everything already sized up, and ready to. Find the image you want, capture and save. The app places it in the required directory, ready for you when you go to add the coin. Note* I usually copy the file name 'ctrl + c' here, and paste it 'ctrl + v' as the the 'Title' when adding the coin.

This is only my personal opinion... But invest in a USB microscope camera... It doesn't have to be an expensive one, but don't go cheap either... I picked up one for around $100.00, and was completely happy with what I got.

Using Your Own Images:
IMO... Taking the long way home... If you take this approach, you probably have a system, and routine in place already.
The only thing to note here is recommended image size, and format. The app uses the .JPEG format, with a canvas size of 600px width x 500px height.
Images should be placed into the apps 'SavedImages' directory.


Now your images are ready to add into the app...

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